How Much Water Does My Horse Need?

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How much water does my horse need every day?

A healthy horse requires approximately 44 – 70 ml/kg/day. For a 500Kg horse this is equivalent to 22-35L. Please not this can be much higher in situations such as the summer and with certain disease processes.
The large range shows that there are many factors that can affect the amount of water your horse needs to stay hydrated. Variables that change water requirements include your horse’s diet, exercise regime, place in the pecking order within a herd situation, and body composition as well as the ambient temperature.

Pasture kept horses obtain a lot of their water requirement from their diet. Fresh grass contains approximately 70% moisture depending on the time of the year. Conversely, concentrate feed and hay contain far less moisture. These factors should be considered when offering water.

As in humans, a horse’s metabolic rate increases with exercise which increases the amount of water needed by cells to function properly. It’s a great idea to offer a bucket of water post exercise to ensure hydration. Mollassed water is often gratefully received, and can be used to increase your horses voluntary water intake.

Pecking order
When we confine horses to a smaller area than would be normal in the wild, we need to consider horse behaviour and the impact of a herd situation.If multiple horses are grouped in a herd-type environment, consider adding more than one source of water in this area. This prevents bullying between horses and ensures that every horse is able to drink to their requirements.

Body Composition
A horse with a higher body condition score (aka more fat reserves) requires less water than a lean horse of equivalent weight. This is due to fat holding less water compared to lean body tissue. Further, large draft breeds require less water per kg of body weight compared to small horses and ponies.

Ambient Temperature
To no surprise, hot and dry conditions increase your horse’s voluntary water intake. Ensure sufficient water availability in your paddock and if possible, supply shade in the form of cover or a white cotton sheet to reduce direct sun exposure.

Are you concerned your horse about your horse’s water intake?
As discussed above, there are multiple factors that may alter your horse’s need for water. If you are concerned your horse is drinking too little or too much, we are happy to discuss this further with you. Please just ask.
Have a great week