Hot or Cold therapy? Which one to pick…

There are many ways we can assist our horses either following an injury or on a daily basis to make them feel better or to enhance performance. But what is the science behind the hot and cold therapy options we have?

Here are some simple facts:

Cryotherapy (cold therapy):

Reduced pain, swelling and inflammation after initial injury and it is useful for chronic conditions.

It can penetrate tissues 1-4cm deep.

Aim is to reduce tissue temperatures to 15-19 degrees.

It must NOT be lower than 10 degrees otherwise you can get tissue damage.

Temperature to 0 degrees can act to block feeling in legs and is prohibited at FEI events.


15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours, especially helpful in the first 3 days

In more chronic conditions, treat for 15 minutes post exercise

Heat therapy:

The aim is to increase the joint range of motion and the extensibility of joints

It reduces muscles spasms, pain and muscle tension


10-15 minutes prior to stretching

Have a lovely weekend