Fun Facts

Fun Facts:


  • What is different about blue-eyed horses?

Commonly they have Iris Hypoplasia. It can be seen as a bulge in the iris. Changes inside the eye should always be checked, but this change is often normal.


  • Do mares have canine teeth?

Yes, they can do, and it is very normal if they do.


  • How many nostrils do horses have?

Technically they have 4. Each main nostril has an additional blind ending sac on the inside which we call a false nostril.


  • Why are foot abscesses so painful?

The swelling that occurs due to the infection has nowhere to go as it is confined by the hoof capsule. The resulting pressure is very painful. Often even anti-inflammatories do not help. The pressure must be released. Get on the phone to your farrier first πŸ˜‰ especially if it’s a Friday night hehe!