Equine Uveitis; the painful eye

I hope you enjoy todays little bit of horsey knowledge!

Equine Recurrent Uveitis

Uveitis is a nasty and painful disease which affects the horses eye. The eye is very clever and the bodies immune system has no idea that the eyes even exist. If the eye becomes traumatised from injury or disease, then immune system cells can enter the eye and the body starts to attack the internal anatomy slowly. If the body’s attack of the eye is not controlled, then eventually structures are damaged enough to result in an end stage, non-functional, painful eye. The eye must then be removed, but care as it can effect both eyes!!

This post is to inform you that a relatively new treatment option is being used around the world with very promising effects. An antibiotic is injected into the back of the eye which is believed to have an immunosuppressive effect, it is not due to destruction of any bacteria!

The technique is called an IntraVitreal Injection.

Pretty cool hey!!