The horses hind gut is full of a stable mix of organisms. During conditions of change, this delicately balanced population can become disturbed. This change in environment can promote the growth of bacteria that produce acid. This acid damages the lining of the hind gut and causes ulceration.
Hind gut ulceration causes pain and irritability and also mild colic signs. It often presents as a negative behavioural change at times when grass growth is at its peak. Rarely, this condition can become severe and your horse can develop diarrhoea, and severe sickness.
The most common causes:
A change in diet which is often associated with the changing grass each season
Breaking into a feed room and over-eating, especially grain based feeds
A primary bacterial infection but this is most commonly associated with stress or dietary change and is less common but more life threatening
Emergence of worm larvae causing physical damage to the lining of the hind gut
Ensure dietary change is SLOW, this includes changes in grass. Be proactive!!
Using ‘Equishure’ to help minimise the change in acidity to the hind gut
Management/nutritional change which would be assessed at the time
Sucralfate: EXCITING NEWS!! We have a licensed horse product now which makes it more affordable. As well as helping to heal gastric ulceration, it is hopeful that it will coat the ulcer bed in the hind gut and promote a better environment for ulcer healing.
Medications: There are other medications however many are not available in NZ currently
Oil: The addition of some oils such as Rice Bran oil may have a positive effect on hind gut healing
If your horse may be suffering some of these signs, get in touch so we can help. Look out for next weeks post. Please comment if you have any requests for topics!!