Eosinophilic Granulomas

Eosinophilic Granulomas .….. gotta love that word!


But what actually are they?

They are firm nodules that appear on your horse’s skin. They are the most common non-neoplastic nodule that we see. They are commonly not painful and should not be itchy.

EG’s have many causes, but at this time of year they are commonly related to a hypersensitivity reaction. The most common cause would be insect bites, however sometimes they can be caused by trauma or other allergens.


How can I prevent them?

Use light weight cotton sheets: This reduces allergens onto the skin and also prevents fly bites.


What is their significance?

The main issue with these nodules is they are unsightly, and occasionally they can enlarge with the development of calcium deposits within them. These ones can also become painful to touch.


What should you I do when I see skin nodules?

Record any nodules you see on your horse’s skin. If they do not resolve after 2 weeks or increase in size or number, then get in touch for some advice.