Shoes On or Off for the Winter?

Why do we shoe our sport horses?

Due to soft soles or to prevent over wearing of soles

To improve conformational abnormalities such as club feet, flat feet, soft tissue injuries

Improve traction for some disciplines

Rehabilitation/recovery from injury


What are the draw backs?


Excessive Nail holes-crumbly hoof walls

Loss of traction


Possible worsening of caudal hoof failure


Should I take them off for the Winter?

Yes if you have nice soil in your paddocks

Yes if you have a problem with caudal hoof failure

Yes if your horse isn’t being ridden

Yes if you have crumbly hoof walls

No if there is stoney soils and the horses soles are soft

No if there is stoney soils and the walls will chip

No if there would be detriment to the feet due to conformational abnormalities or injuries


Shoes on for Spring!

We are considering running a podiatry day at our facility in Spring this year.

This will help farriers set up your horses feet the best they can for the season.

There will be a special price for podiatry xrays

Pre-shoeing and post shoeing radiographs will be available.

Biscuits and coffee are a given πŸ˜‰