Flat Back Feet

This week we discovered multiple horses with flat angles to their pedal bone in the hind feet. Most horses would measure an angle of 3-5 degrees between the ground/shoe surface and the solar surface of the pedal bone. The difference depends on breed and conformation. The importance is related to good biomechanics.


Solar angles of negative or up to 2 positive degrees in the hind feet can cause pain via the following pathways:

Inflammation and damage to the soft tissue structures of the back of the foot.

Inflammation of the hock, especially those with pre-existing arthritis.

Pain over the back, gluteal muscles and hamstrings.


Horses can present with the following clinical signs:

Poor performance/unwilling to go forward

Bucking/behavioural changes

Bilateral hindlimb lameness

Hock soreness

‘Bull nose’ appearance to the toes of the back feet



This depends on the time of year it is diagnosed but could include:

Aggressive trimming of the sole at the toe

A heart bar shoe +/- wedge

A wedge pad with packing material or equithane


Always consider this when you are concerned regarding poor performance.