
 My phone ringing has increased, and my sleep has been decreased. Why?


There have been quite a few cases of colic recently!


This is most commonly due to dietary changes at this time of year.  (This time of year has also increased the number of rodents trying to move in – see photo of Becci in our feed bins)!

Any time there is a change in diet, there is a big risk of colic. Colic is the expression of abdominal pain; it is not a diagnosis of the cause.


What has changed in your horse’s diet to cause colic?

Increased grass growth causing changes in hind gut microflora resulting in hind gut inflammation.

Secondarily, we have seen gas build up in the bowel, and on occasion, movement of the bowel to an abnormal position.  If the abnormally positioned bowel doesn’t right itself, then surgical correction is required.


Best treatment: PREVENTION.

Try to limit your horse’s intake of fast-growing grass.

You can bring them into a smaller area and feed hay whilst your autumn grass grows to >10cm in height. Then it can be fed out as winter fibre and hay replacement.


Next, be proactive and consider using Equishure.

Equishure is like cooking bicarbonate soda. However, it is specially formulated so that it is not absorbed throughout the gastrointestinal tract until it gets to the hind gut. This stops the acid produced by the changed microflora and helps prevent pain, discomfort and irritability.

These can cause signs of:


Irritable behaviour

Problems under saddle


Please always treat colic as an emergency and get in touch as soon as you notice symptoms such as:

Reduced appetite

Pawing at the ground/stomach

Excessive rolling and/or sweating
