
Yucky photo of the week!


SPUTUM: This is mucous made in the respiratory system.

This photo shows the sputum coughed up by a horse with a respiratory infection.


That VIRUS is circulating again!!

Many horses have only shown mild signs this season, however some horses have had prolonged disease; 2-4 weeks of nasal discharge and coughing.


How does the virus transfer:

Usually hands, nose contact, or feed and water buckets

How can we prevent severe disease:

We have veterinary products we can use to promote mucous movement!

Viral infections act on the mechanisms that affect mucous secretion hence the increased risk for bacterial invasion and secondary infection.

Veterinary medicines can help get that mucous moving which helps to prevent the need for antibiotics.

Antibiotics kill horses every day so we want to avoid them where possible.


Management changes that can help:

Soak hay

Graze grass where possible

No exercise during infection stage

Isolate your horse


If your horses has a snotty nose or is coughing for more than 5 days then please call us.