Tearing of the Laminae

‘Laminae’ are the structures that hold the hoof wall to the pedal bone a bit like Velcro.

‘Itis’ means inflammation in latin.

When the laminae become inflamed, they weaken and tear. This causes micro bleeds, inflammation and pain. The bleeding can be seen as fluid on the radiograph, or it can present like a foot abscess due to increased pressure in the hoof capsule.

It is NOT just a fat pony disease.

Since we purchased our in-house insulin test, we have discovered how many normal horses that have slightly increased BCS, are at high risk and living on a knife edge for laminitis.

Fat deposits around the body cause increased Insulin levels.

This high resting insulin can trigger laminitis.

We now use our test routinely in the Spring and Autumn to ensure horses are not at risk. This helps us design a horse focused nutrition and exercise regime for the current season we are in.